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During the Covid-19 Pandemic — One Size Does Not Fit All: Author Interview With Mark Werneke

Jul 27, 2021/Podcast

n a descriptive study that’s already been featured in 14 news stories, Mark Werneke, PT,  and colleagues analyzed data on more than 222,000 patients in the Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes database. Werneke and Jette talk in depth about the relatively low use of telerehabilitation in the outpatient population

Tell Your Story on Capitol Hill at the APTA Federal Advocacy Forum

Feb 26, 2019/Perspective

  The Federal Advocacy Forum is right around the corner (March 31-April 2, 2019), and you're not going to want to miss it. This year is a historic year for APTA advocacy: For the first time in more than 2 decades, the Medicare therapy cap is not the lead priority on the association's public policy agenda.

Staying Resilient in a Time of Crisis

Apr 14, 2020/Perspective

During this crisis we can study and apply the principles of wellness into our own daily lives.

APTA Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy and American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy: Hamstring Strain Injury in Athletes (CPG+)

Feb 28, 2022/CPG

This CPG includes sports-related overloading and overstretching injuries to myofascial or musculotendinous structures in any combination of the 3 hamstring muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris).

Call for National Plan To Address PASC

Mar 31, 2021/Statement

APTA joins AAPM&R in calling for a national plan to address the needs of the growing number of individuals who have post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infections, or PASC, sometimes referred to as "long COVID."

Federal Government Affairs Leadership Award


This award is presented to an APTA member who has made significant contributions to APTA's federal government affairs efforts and has shown exemplary leadership in furthering the association's objectives.

Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Jun 20, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures self-perceived handicapping effects imposed by dizziness (25-item self-assessment inventory).

Understanding Risk: Fraud and Abuse Laws

Jul 30, 2020/Article

These five federal fraud and abuse laws are important for physical therapists to know.

Choosing Wisely: The Right Care at the Right Time

Aug 3, 2020/Article

APTA is among the medical specialty societies to join the Choosing Wisely® Campaign in creating transparencies between health care providers and patients.

Financial Literacy Month Podcast: Improve Your Personal Financial Health With APTA Member Benefits

Apr 7, 2019/Perspective

Student loans are a source of stress, not only for current students but for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants in the workforce. APTA provides 2 valuable resources to help members make educated financial decisions. Enrich is an individualized financial education platform that teaches