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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Dec 17, 2018/Podcast
Michael Gans talks about how leadership can expand your horizons personally and professionally.
Dec 5, 2018/Podcast
Kaylee Van Deusen, SPT, talks about visual thinking strategies.
Mar 29, 2018/Podcast
This March 2018 student discussion provides tips for becoming a leader.
Mar 19, 2018/Podcast
Anne Mucha, PT, DPT, MS, discusses evolving practices around concussion management and the role of physical therapy.
Aug 9, 2017/Podcast
Student Assembly #XchangeSA with Daphne Scott, PT, DSc, MS.
Jul 7, 2017/Podcast
Listen to a discussion interview held at NEXT 2017 in Boston on general leadership experience and guidance.
Listen to a discussion interview held at NEXT 2017 in Boston on growing young leaders.
Listen to a discussion interview held at NEXT 2017 in Boston on the new financial solutions resources.
Apr 1, 2017/Podcast
Ben Gilbert, PT, MS, MBA, finds inspiration in a former patient.
Feb 1, 2017/Podcast
Brian Power, PT, DPT, describes benefits of boxing to patients and a practitioner.