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APTA Regulatory, Legislative, and Payment Updates Webinar, June 2023

Jun 22, 2023/Live Webinar

Inside intel from APTA's Health Policy and Payment team on the most significant and impactful federal and commercial payer policy updates in 2023.

National Health Emergency Triggers CMS Waivers for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP

Mar 16, 2020/News

The "blanket waiver" system now in effect eases a wide range of requirements, but CMS still won't reimburse for telehealth by PTs.

My Favorite Year?

May 9, 2020/Column

We needn't depend on others to define it.

Study Identifies 60 'Core Capabilities' for Telehealth Delivery of PT Services

Sep 21, 2021/Review

An international panel established the competencies across seven broad domains that include "patient safety" and "technology skills."

Shaping Our Next 100 Years: Creating a Tool for Change

Feb 23, 2021/Perspective

We can engage now, not at some point in the future.

Chronic Pain: Time To Embrace the Big Three

Mar 31, 2021/Perspective

Physical therapy is ideally placed to take on the three main tenets of pain treatment and meaningfully impact the lives of patients.

Researchers: 1 in 3 People Worldwide Had a Condition That Rehab Could've Helped

Jan 5, 2021/Review

A global study of disease burden finds a glaring need for rehab in primary care.

Move Forward Radio: An 'Accidental' Passion for Treating Pelvic Floor Disorders

Sep 22, 2020/Roundup

This PT uses humor, her understanding of pain, and personal experience to treat PFD.

Every Student Will Experience Worry, Stress, and Anxiety

Apr 21, 2020/Perspective

I get it, not everyone is a feelings person. I'm not.

Final DMEPOS Rule Streamlines Benefit and Payment Processes for Certain Devices

Jan 11, 2022/Review

CMS also chooses to not finalize reforms to the HCPCS Level II application process.