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Jun 1, 2020/Magazine

View online comments from members and letters to the editor.

Photo Collection: A Look at APTA's Centennial Celebration

Sep 28, 2021/Roundup

We honored our past, thought about our future, and had some good times along the way.

State Legislative Advocacy: ND Imaging Win, Compact Growth, and More

Apr 16, 2021/Roundup

Many state legislatures are still in session, but positive changes are already in the works. Here's a progress report.

Five Ways PTs Can Offer Movement Experiences During a Pandemic

Nov 3, 2020/Perspective

We have a very sweet spot as professionals to not only help those already hurting, but also help facilitate movement experiences.

The Proposed Medicare Cut Impacts My Community — And Yours

Oct 2, 2020/Perspective

If you think the proposed cut won’t affect you because you don’t provide services for patients covered by Medicare, I urge you to think about the community in which you provide your services.

Good News for Physical Therapy: 4 Promising Developments on Capitol Hill

Aug 8, 2022/Roundup

Advocacy by APTA and its members is paying off in some key ways.

Failure to Communicate Can Leave You Between a Rock and a Hard Place

May 18, 2017/Article

A dominant theme across health care is the strong desire by the consumer to feel heard and understood.

Compliance Matters: Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students

May 1, 2018/Column

Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students