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We have resources to support your evidence-based practice and improve your clinical decision-making. What was in PTNow is now on

Online Learning and Hybrid Education

Feb 17, 2021/Podcast

Lindsay Durand, SPT, APTA Student Assembly director of communications, and Tonya Olson, MSPT, DPT, discuss the benefits of online learning, hybrid education, and how to make the most of your virtual learning experiences.

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults: Diagnosis and Management (Updated) [NICE CG142]

Jun 14, 2021/CPG

Covers diagnosis and management of autism spectrum disorder in adults and how access to interventions and services can be improved for people with autism.

From Naysayers to NASCAR and Beyond: Defining Moment

Dec 1, 2018/Podcast

The importance of constant learning and abundant kindness.

The Fundamentals of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and the Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC)

Jun 1, 2022/Podcast

CPT codes play an important role in describing services and procedures performed by health care providers and ultimately in the payment for those services.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Structure for Components

Jan 14, 2021/Resource

APTA chapters and sections can use this framework create and maintain an effective DEI committee.

Role of the Physical Therapist and APTA in Sleep Health

Aug 20, 2020/Policies & Bylaws

House positon: Supports collaboration between physical therapists and sleep medicine professionals to enhance the health and well-being of society.

Workforce Planning

Aug 20, 2020/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Supports and participates in workforce planning efforts with other stakeholders to meet the needs of the profession and society.

DEI Discussions: Race and Racism

Aug 21, 2020/Podcast

APTA's first in a series of discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion. This discussion focused on race and racism in physical therapy.

Recruiting and Hiring PTs Educated Outside of the United States

Mar 1, 2021/Podcast

This podcast focuses on panelists' experiences as internationally educated physical therapists working with recruiters, and how elements of the APTA House of Delegates guideline "Recruiting and Hiring Internationally Educated Physical Therapists" were put into practice and resulted in a good