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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Feb 7, 2020/Podcast
Cathy Carver, PT, discusses how a program plays a key “roll” in altering perceptions.
Sep 23, 2019/Podcast
Steven George, PT, PhD, FAPTA, discusses the complexity of managing patients and clients who experience chronic pain.
Aug 26, 2019/Podcast
Michelle McGuire, PT, MPT, discusses helping children with disabilities experience the power of dance.
Aug 19, 2019/Podcast
Lisa VanHoose, PT, PhD, talks about advancing DEI in the profession.
Jun 6, 2019/Podcast
Professor Chris Petrosino, PT, PhD, talks about going into academics as a career option for physical therapists.
May 29, 2019/Podcast
Cheryl Till, PT, discusses the joys of gardening and eldercare.
Feb 25, 2019/Podcast
Paul Caudillo, PT, DPT, is a veteran who finds that his rallying motto still resonates.
We apply the principles of exercise to our patients, but what about to ourselves? Learn about the cumulative effects of physical activity on your brain health from neuroscientist and APTA member Joyce Gomes-Osman, PT, PhD. (38 min.)
Aug 3, 2020/Podcast
Serving patients where they live, through a different practice model. By Mollie Hope, PT, DPT.
Dec 1, 2018/Podcast
The importance of constant learning and abundant kindness.