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APTA Volunteer Opportunities Now Available

Feb 5, 2019/News

There are new volunteer opportunities available with APTA—and a new way of letting the association know you're interested. Calls are now open for several APTA Board of Directors-appointed groups, including the Reference, Ethics and Judicial, Finance and Audit, Public Policy and Advocacy, and Scientific

Foundation Has a New Name, Logo, and Website

Jan 29, 2019/News

What's in a name? For the organization formerly known as The Foundation for Physical Therapy (Foundation), just about everything. Earlier this month, the Foundation announced a name change for the organization, from the Foundation for Physical Therapy to the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research.

Designing for the Future: It's Time to Pay Attention to Reshaping Current Structures

Mar 1, 2020/Feature

From converting an old clothing store to building a new medical facility, physical therapy is reshaping itself to meet the needs of current and future patients and clients.

Good to Be Home

Feb 1, 2020/Feature

Physical therapists working in home health discuss their evolving role in the continuum of patient care.

How to Apply the New CQ Modifier

Mar 1, 2020/Column

Here's information on how to apply the new CQ modifier to denote when outpatient therapy services are furnished in whole or in part by a PTA.

Fall and Balance

Feb 1, 2020/Column

When patient confidentiality and broader need are in conflict.

Professional Pulse

Feb 1, 2020/Magazine

Health Care Headlines\r\nAPTA Leading the Way\r\nPTJ Editor's Choice\r\nStudent Focus

Making a Wheel Difference

Feb 1, 2020/Column

A program plays a key "roll" in altering perceptions.

The Power of Practical Advice

Mar 1, 2020/Column

Employing contemporary theories of neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity to enhance children's lives.

Adopt the Rule of 7

Mar 1, 2020/Column

Try adding engagement and impact to everything you do.