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Transition DPT FAQs

Dec 1, 2019/Open Access

The correct degree nomenclature for the professional (entry-level) and the postprofessional transition clinical doctorate is "DPT." In these FAQs, the nomenclature "postprofessional DPT " has been used to distinguish the DPT degree conferred upon completion of a transition program from the DPT conferred

Twelve Months of Health Care Awareness

May 1, 2020/Feature

Beyond National Physical Therapy Month in October, how many months, weeks, and days do you know that have been designated to highlight conditions that PTs and PTAs manage? There probably are more than you think!

Problematic From the Start

Jun 1, 2017/Column

When the PT and PTA aren't on the same team.

Busting Payment Myths (and Regulating Your Expectations), Part 5

Aug 4, 2020/Perspective

In an effort to get everyone on the same page, I'm debunking some of the most prevalent Medicare myths I've been seeing lately on social media and in other venues.

What's on the Physical Therapy Research Horizon? A Closer Look at 4 Emerging Foundation-Funded Investigators

Jul 23, 2019/Interview

We take a closer look at three postdoctoral students and the emerging investigator who received Foundation awards.

Lead Our Profession into the Future

Sep 29, 2019/Perspective

As students, our voices are heard and collectively we can make a difference.

Government Reopens Under Short-Term Deal That Leaves Medicare Patients in Limbo

Jan 22, 2018/News

After an approximate 36-hour shutdown, the US government is back in business, which means the push is on to get a permanent repeal of the Medicare therapy cap over the finish line.

APTA Resource Makes it Easy to Deliver Personalized Comments On Proposed Home Health Rule

Aug 22, 2017/News

If a rule from CMS is adopted as proposed, PTs and PTAs who work in home health could find themselves in a very different payment environment as early as 2019. APTA offers a template letter for PTs and PTAs who want to comment on the proposed 2018 HH PPS.

5 Ways the CDC Guidance Shows How Physical Therapy Is Leading the Way in Post-COVID-19 Care

Jul 21, 2021/Perspective

APTA's academies and sections have been ahead of the curve in releasing guidance for post-COVID-19 outcome measures.

Foundation Awards Research Grants, Kendall Scholarships

Dec 26, 2017/News

The Foundation for Physical Therapy recently awarded Florence P. Kendall Doctoral Scholarships for 2017.