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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Dec 6, 2013/CPG
This guideline focuses specifically on the non-arthroplasty treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. It does not cover osteoarthritis of other joints, rheumatoid arthritis, or other inflammatory disorders.
Dec 12, 2013/Test & Measure
Target population: People with traumatic brain injury.
This test summary is under development, but the test itself can be downloaded from the Get Test link below
Dec 29, 2013/Clinical Summary
PTs improve quality of life for people with DS by helping them increase their motor skills, muscle strength, and joint stability; incorporate healthy lifestyle habits; enhance participation in life activities; and prevent complications of DS.
Jan 1, 2014/CPG
Includes recommendations for the diagnosis and management of adults presenting with low back pain and/or lower extremity symptoms related to spinal stenosis and degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis.
Jul 1, 2022/CPG
This guideline presents an algorithm and recommendations for the assessment, diagnosis, and management of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. See Guideline Statement 12 for suggested physical therapy interventions.
Aug 31, 2017/Test & Measure
This is a 9-item measure used to identify subgroups of patients with low back pain in primary care settings based on various functional, psychosocial, and comorbid factors for subgrouping.
Jan 26, 2014/Test & Measure
Measures gait.
Jan 28, 2014/Test & Measure
Measures amount of anterior tibial translation with respect to the femur; used to detect ACL tears.
Jul 1, 2003/Test & Measure
Measures balance for people with Down Syndrome.