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Education and Workforce Legislation Advocacy

More needs to be done to care for the physical therapy workforce.

Fair Physical Therapy Copays Advocacy

Physical therapy saves money and achieves results that help patients get and stay healthy. But too often, insurance requires copays that effectively reduce access. This must change.

Health Information Technology Advocacy

PTs and PTAs need to be part of the evolution in health information technology.

IDEA and ESSA Advocacy

Every student deserves the ability to succeed in the classroom and beyond. The Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act and Every Student Succeeds Act make that possible.

Medicaid Advocacy

Medicaid should put patients first.

Term and Title Protection Advocacy

Words matter. The use of "physical therapy," "physiotherapy," and the PT, DPT, and PTA titles should be restricted to qualified professionals.

Hospice and Palliative Care

Physical therapy is increasingly acknowledged as a key component in hospice and palliative care.

Policies and Bylaws

The Board and House are responsible for the association’s bylaws, positions, standards, guidelines, policies, and procedures.

Credentialed Clinical Trainers

Mar 19, 2024/Open Access

Below is a list of credentialed clinical trainers who are available to teach the Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program. Trainers with "(1,2)" behind their name are credentialed to teach both Level 1 and Level 2 courses. It is recommended that if there is more than one trainer in your area you contact

For Facilities: Physical Therapy Support During COVID-19 Pandemic

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, APTA is working with other organizations and members to connect volunteers with facilities that need physical therapy services.