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PTA Direction and Supervision Algorithms

May 24, 2020/Article

Step-by-step problem-solving diagrams to guide PTs and PTAs.

Final 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule: What You Need to Know, Part 2

Nov 7, 2022/Article

In this installment: remote monitoring, supervision, telehealth, skin substitutes, and chronic pain management.

PTs and PTAs Working Together: A Physical Therapy Student's Enlightenment

Aug 12, 2018/Perspective

As students we need more exposure to the PT–PTA relationship before we enter the clinic.

Student PT and PTA Provision of Services

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Experiential learning focused on development and application of patient‐ and client‐centered skills and behaviors is a crucial component of the education of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.

Valued-Based Behaviors of the PTA

Jun 5, 2019/Article

Review valued-based behaviors and guidelines for phsysical therapist assistants.

Model Position Description for the ACCE/DCE: PTA Program

Feb 27, 2018/Article

View model descriptions of faculty in PTA programs.

PTA to PT Career Transition

Becoming a PTA is not a "steppingstone" to becoming a PT. But approximately 10% of PTAs explore careers as PTs.

PTAs Change Lives Flyer

Mar 1, 2021/Open Access

This flyer highlights various aspects of the PTA education pathway and provides links to additional resources to find more information.

PT and PTA Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) 3.0

Mar 11, 2024/Website

PT CPI provides a standardized training and assessment tool designed to educate physical therapist students, and other members of physical therapy program academia.

PT, PTA Education Leadership Institute Accepting Applications for a Program That Inspires, Empowers, and Connects

Feb 7, 2018/News

The yearlong ELI Fellowship program uses a blended learning approach to help PT and PTA educators in academic, residency, and fellowship settings to hone their skills in facilitating change, thinking strategically, and engaging in public discourse to advance the physical therapy profession.