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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jul 5, 2017/Podcast
A youth’s fear becomes a PT’s passion.
Aug 8, 2024/Live Webinar
Jan 25, 2021/Resource
Clear communication is a prerequisite to providing responsible care, ensuring patient safety, and optimizing outcomes.
Oct 4, 2023/Policies & Bylaws
House position: APTA's support for primacy of jurisdictional statues and regulations over policies or rules of third-party payers.
APTA is the definitive source for standards of ethics and professionalism in the physical therapy profession.
Apr 16, 2020/Article
In a Facebook Live event, experts from physical therapy, psychology, and the Pan American Health Organization discussed the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and how physical therapists play an important role in the recovery of patients' mental and physical health.
Jun 3, 2015/Policies & Bylaws
House position: Describes the designation of individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities, or both, as a medically under-served population.
Dec 14, 2023/Live Webinar
Jul 22, 2019/Article
The ultimate goal is the provision of patient-centered care at the lowest cost and maximum outcomes.
Apr 21, 2021/News
This new position serves on APTA’s senior staff team.