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Where Do You Want to Practice?

Oct 1, 2018/Feature

Every state has much to offer physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. It may be quality of life. Employment opportunities. Regulatory and business friendliness. Or any of dozens of other features. Where you decide to practice depends on which factors mean the most to you. Here is PT in

Reporting Requirements: Promoting Interoperability

Feb 27, 2024/Resource

The promoting interoperability performance category of MIPS is intended to promote patient engagement and electronic exchange of information using certified electronic health record technology.

A Boy Riding a Bike, Not a Boy With a Disability

Mar 20, 2017/Perspective

The bike represented opportunity. And it was FUN.

Study: PTs and PTAs Report Higher Levels of Work Engagement Than Norm

Dec 18, 2023/Review

A survey of 975 PTs and PTAs in Texas reveals potential insights into productivity requirements and other factors tied to work engagement.

Federal and State Guidance on Providing Services to Patients With LEP

Jan 26, 2021/Resource

PTs and PTAs may have legal obligations related to serving individuals with limited English proficiency.

Revised COVID-19 Guidelines for Physical Therapy Incorporate Lessons Learned

Feb 2, 2022/News

The Australia-based resource is aimed at the acute hospital setting, but now includes expanded guidance and a section on long COVID.

European Psychiatrists Recommend Physical Activity in the Treatment of Severe Mental Illness

Nov 9, 2018/Review

Could physical activity be an effective treatment for individuals with severe mental illnesses such as major depression and schizophrenia?

APTA’s New ChoosePT Public Service Announcement Delivers the Movement Message

Feb 24, 2021/News

The spot, to be distributed nationwide, is a call to increase physical activity—and seek PTs and PTAs to help improve and restore movement.

Woodruff Lecture: It's Time to Invest in Holistic Solutions to Increase DEI

Jun 19, 2023/Article

Emmanuel John showed the societal cost of a nondiverse physical therapy profession and urged a new approach to making progress.

PTs Are 'Abilitation Specialists'

Dec 12, 2018/Perspective

The extensive knowledge and skills that PTs possess translate easily to "abilitation" as well.