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Showing results for "podcast" sorted by relevance
Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
APTA's podcasts provide information for your ears, perfect for when you're exercising or commuting.
APTA's comprehensive podcast series explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program
Dec 16, 2021/Articles
Sep 14, 2022/Podcast
Hear what the APTA President had to say about where the profession is, and what it will take to pursue our full potential.
Jul 27, 2018/Podcast
This is episode 2 of APTA’s podcast series that addresses common challenges to accurate coding of the tiered physical therapy evaluation codes.
Jan 26, 2018/Podcast
This is episode one of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode asks “How Good Are You?”
This is episode 5 of APTA’s podcast series that addresses common challenges to accurate coding of the tiered physical therapy evaluation codes.
This is episode 16 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “Advanced Alternative Payment Models.”
This is episode 21 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “The MIPS APM.”
May 14, 2021/Podcast
Listen to this APTA Regulatory podcast on the TOPS Study, which provides an overview and takeaways from a major analysis of postacute care across settings.
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Jun 30, 2023/Academic Journal
Redulla, Rhoda
Mar 28, 2025/Academic Journal
de Oliveira Borges, Joyce, Bezerra Góes, Fernanda Garcia, Santos Santana da Silva, Aline Cerqueira, Vieira Pereira Ávila, Fernanda Maria, Lemos e Goulart, Maithê de Carvalho, Ferreira Nunes, Nátale Gabriele, Ramos Martins, Vanessa
Nevitaningrum, Kriswanto, Erwin Setyo, Pambudi, Aris FajarSubjects: HIGH school students; PHYSICAL education; NUTRITION; PODCASTING; STATISTICAL sampling; HEALTH literacy
APTA members have unlimited access to PTJ.
Sep 30, 2013/ProfessionWatch
Sep 30, 2012/Health Policy in Perspective
Nov 30, 2014/Health Policy in Perspective
Oct 23, 2016/editorial
Jul 31, 2013/Health Policy in Perspective
Oct 31, 2015/Health Policy in Perspective
Dec 31, 2011/Health Policy in Perspective