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Capitol Hill Day in-person meetings are held on September 14. The meetings are held from approximately 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Preparing for Your Visit
On Monday, September 13, all Capitol Hill Day participants should attend the mandatory traning that begins at 4 p.m. at the Omni Shoreham.
We are using a scheduling vendor who will book the meetings for you.
- Please do not book meetings on your own.
- With security and COVID protocols on Capitol Hill, full rosters and accurate numbers of meeting attendees are required for each meeting.
- You will receive your meeting schedule from our vendor, Advocacy Associates, a few days before the event. Scheduling changes often happen up to the day of your meeting and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility.
We cannot guarantee that meetings on Capitol Hill will be in person. Each Capitol Hill office has its' own protocol, with some allowing limited in-person meetings, but others are virtual. This could change before September 14. Either way, our vendor will be able to accommodate these meetings either all virtual, all in person, or in a hybrid fashion depending on the office. Again, we cannot guarantee a specific format for meetings as it is dependent on the office's protocol and preference.
Preparing for Your Visit
- If you have to leave earlier due to flight times, please reach out to us and we can do our best to accommodate (
- Please store your luggage at the Omni. We cannot have luggage on Capitol Hill for security and space restrictions.
The Day of the Event
- Transportation: Busses will be provided to Capitol Hill from the Omni Shoreham in the morning and from Capitol Hill to the Omni Shoreham in the afternoon. The morning drop off on Capitol Hill is Garfield Circle and the pickup is at Peace Circle. Both circles are near the Grant Memorial and Capitol Reflecting Pool. Buses to Capitol Hill begin at approximately 7:30 a.m. and buses back to the Omni Shoreham begin departing at noon, on the hour, with the last bus leaving at 4:00 p.m.
- Security: Due to security restrictions and protocol related to the global pandemic, all visitors to Capitol Hill must be escorted from security by a member of the staff you are meeting with. Capitol Hill offices set their own visitor policy individually, so there may be restrictions on the number of people allowed for the visit. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for your scheduled appointment.
- While You Wait: In the briefing book, you are provided a list of restaurants on both the House and Senate sides where you can go in between meetings and have lunch on your own. APTA has also reserved space at the Reserve Organization of America (1 Constitution Ave., NE) building across the street from the Dirksen Senate Office Building from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.