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Peer Review of Prescriptive Authority Report
Thank you in advance for reviewing this confidential draft report.
Your responses will be used to assess the validity of the evidence, the accuracy of the interpretation, and the clarity of the information presented. The task force is specifically looking for additional insights, concepts and sources of evidence. Due to the large number of invited reviewers, we are not able to accept line-by-line suggested edits.
If you have any questions, please email Jeanine Kolman, APTA Practice Department.
Note: The review period will close on Sunday July 14, 2024.
Report: An APTA task force conducted an investigation in response to a charge from the 2022 APTA House of Delegates: That the American Physical Therapy Association evaluate the feasibility of expanding prescriptive authority within physical therapist scope of practice.
Next steps: Following this peer review, the report will be edited, and an executive summary will be added.
Intended Audience: The final report will be presented to the APTA Board of Directors. A report to the 2025 House of Delegates will follow.