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Complete 10 patient visits and receive a free year of APTA membership.

Boost Your Income While Earning a Free Year of APTA Membership

Headshot of Charles Benandi to the left of a quote from him describing his experience with Luna

As a physical therapist, you strive to enhance your patients' health wherever and whenever they need you. Luna facilitates this process for you, whether you're looking for new patients or additional income.

Luna is an in-home outpatient practice that matches PTs to patients in their area. You can concentrate on delivering personalized care while making your own schedule — whether you're just looking for extra work or want to see patients full time.

Additionally, Luna offers a valuable benefit: Once you complete 10 patient visits with Luna, you'll receive a year of membership with APTA national and your state chapter at no cost. This benefit also extends to current APTA members starting from their next renewal date. Academy and section memberships are excluded.

Find Out if Luna is Right For You*

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APTA members have access to numerous benefits and discounts, including access to clinical resources, professional learning opportunities, and exclusive savings.

How Does Luna Work?

If you are a PT with at least three years of experience, Luna will match you with patients within 30 minutes of your home base. The process is streamlined for you and your patients, with scheduling and documentation managed through the Luna app.

Current APTA Members

Starting on your next renewal date, you'll earn a free year of national and state membership after 10 hours of patient visits with Luna. Section and academy membership is not included, and you must be new to working with Luna. To be eligible for this offer, you must use the interest form to sign-up.

New APTA Members

After 10 hours of patient visits as a new Luna user, you'll earn a complimentary year of APTA national and state membership. APTA membership opens the door to professional benefits, access to clinical resources and experts, professional learning opportunities, exclusive savings, and a community of like-minded individuals focused on improving society's health. To be eligible for this offer, you must use the form to sign-up.

*Restrictions Apply: The free year of APTA membership is available only to users who are new to the Luna platform. Current nonmembers of APTA will receive a free year of national and state membership starting at the completion of 10 PT hours through Luna. Current members of APTA will receive a free year of national and state membership after the completion of 10 PT hours through Luna. This free year will start at the next membership renewal date. To receive this offer, users must fill out the form on this page and then complete the Luna sign-up process on co-branded landing page that appears after clicking the "Continue to Luna" button.