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Listening Time — 18:33

Defining moments can come more than once, a move to America, the birth of a baby, starting a practice, and a being thrown a curveball.

I have been a physical therapist for 25 years, after graduating from the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. In my career, I have experienced not just one but a series of defining moments that have confirmed and reaffirmed my decision to be part of this profession.

One of my defining moments came in 1997 when I arrived in the United States as a travel physical therapist. The pursuit of the American Dream was fueled by my desire to contribute to an ecosystem that valued civil liberties and those who were willing to work to uphold them. Even though that belief system has been challenged at times — specifically when diversity and inclusion are viewed as a threat rather than a strength — my perspective of our democracy remains rooted in liberty and justice for all.

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Marsh Naidoo, PT, is owner of Teletherapy Services LLC, a hybrid physical therapy practice in Dyersburg, Tennessee. She is also founder of Raising Kellan, Inc., a nonprofit organization geared toward empowering and educating parents who are raising children with developmental delay and disabilities. Marsh invites readers to join conversations and contribute to future discussions on the organization's platform as participants dive into concepts such as universal design, adaptive sports, and the language of disability. You can reach Marsh at or

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