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The American Physical Therapy Association supports evidence-based practice to reduce unwarranted variation in care and improve the value of physical therapist services.

APTA provides its members with relevant clinical practice guidelines, which are based on a systematic review of the evidence. APTA, APTA academies and sections, and other health care associations, organizations, and societies publish the CPGs. APTA does not endorse any of these guidelines unless specifically noted.

The guidelines assist in clinical decision-making, not to take the place of clinician judgment. A team of experts conducts a CPG+ analysis on some of the CPGs — a translation aid for applying the guidelines to practice, including Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II.

APTA supports the development of CPGs.

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Dementia: Assessment, Management and Support for People Living With Dementia and Their Carers [NG97]

December 16, 2020 | CPG

Patient Age: Aged (65+), 80 and over (80+), Middle Aged (45-64)
Condition & Symptoms: Dementia

Recommendations on Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults

January 5, 2016 | CPG

Patient Age: 80 and over (80+), Aged (65+)
Condition & Symptoms: Alzheimer Disease, Dementia