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The Physical Therapy Fund (PT Fund) was established in 1993. It includes the Minority Scholarship Fund and the Dimensions of Diversity Fund.
View the Physical Therapy Fund 2023 Annual Report.
Gift and scholarship application links can be viewed below.
Physical Therapy Fund
Unrestricted donations to the Physical Therapy Fund support the Dimensions of Diversity Fund or the Minority Scholarship Fund, as needed.
Make a donation to the Physical Therapy Fund.
Minority Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to PT and PTA students and faculty of ethnic and racial minorities via APTA's Minority Scholarship Award. Funds are raised through individual donations and the annual Celebration of Diversity as well as through your charitable annual donations.
What Award Winners Say
Check out recent Minority Scholarship winner DeJ'a Crippen, PT, DPT, talk about what the scholarship means to her in the video below.
Archana Vatwani, PT, DPT, EdD, MBA, says the following about receiving the APTA 2022 Minority Faculty Development Scholarship Award.

"Twenty-five years ago, I came to the United States as an undergraduate international student to seek a good education. Many challenges often related to diversity and inclusion have required hard work, perseverance, courage, faith, and, most importantly, extraordinary support. I want to thank all those who have guided, mentored, and supported me. I am proud to be part of an association that commits to diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), belonging, and social justice, and honored to have received the APTA 2022 Minority Faculty Development Scholarship Award. This award has supported my goals of completing my terminal degree and starting my academic leadership journey as Program Director of Physical Therapy. Incorporating cultural competence into our daily lives is our professional duty. I am grateful for APTA’s support and look forward to continuing my DEI, belonging, and justice commitment to contribute to the growth and development of our profession."
Make a donation to the Minority Scholarship Fund.
Dimensions of Diversity Fund
This fund, established in 2020, will support APTA's efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion within the profession and association.
This fund provides scholarships and funding to support initiatives that further the dimensions of diversity, increase equity, and foster inclusion and belonging in the physical therapy profession via Dimensions of Diversity Award. Funds are raised through individual donations and the annual Celebration of Diversity as well as through your charitable annual donations.