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US Receives Failing Grades on Walking and Walkability

Oct 25, 2017/News

The US received a C among 2 Ds, 5 Fs, and an "incomplete" when it comes to walking and walkable communities, according to a recently released report card from the National Physical Activity Plan Alliance (NPAPA). APTA is an alliance partner.

APTA Working for You: Federal Advocacy Updates, October 2018

Oct 23, 2018/News

APTA helps its members by staying on top of changes and bringing the physical therapy profession's voice to the table on a wide range of payment and care-related issues.

Pain Centralization

Nov 30, 2017/Test & Measure

This test is used to obtain information with regard to centralization or peripheralization of pain or other symptom behavior as a response to testing in specific directions or mechanical loading.

Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule Maintains—and Sometimes Increases—Payment for Codes Related to Physical Therapy

Jul 17, 2017/News

No cuts. And even a few increases. That's the major takeaway from the proposed Medicare 2018 physician fee schedule released by CMS.

What's New at, Fall 2018

Oct 5, 2018/News

APTA's consumer information website,, is a continually expanding resource where patients learn about the many conditions and patient populations PTs treat.

Achilles Tendinopathy

Mar 4, 2024/Clinical Summary

PTs diagnose and provide conservative management of Achilles tendinopathy, helping people return to their daily activities and preventing long-term disability.

My Practice Is Fighting To Survive a Pandemic. This Thoughtless Medicare Cut Could Shut It Down.

Sep 8, 2020/Open Access

How does this cut in any way support the triple aim of health care CMS says it's pursuing?

IMPACT's Impact on Postacute Care Quality Data

Oct 1, 2016/Column

Highlights and resources for navigating the changes.

Study Says Cost Savings of Physical Therapy for LBP Are Significant

Jul 26, 2017/News

Researchers say that not only is physical therapy cheaper than injections or surgery for LBP in the short-term, it's an approach that is likely to save on treatment costs for at least a year after initial diagnosis.

Raters Gonna Rate

Sep 1, 2015/Feature

What's Your Best Response?