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The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in Local News, December 2017

Dec 13, 2017/News

"The Good Stuff," is an occasional series that highlights recent, mostly local media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day.

APTA Fact Sheets on 2018 Outpatient Payment, Home Health Now Available

Nov 22, 2017/News

Now available to APTA members: context and details to help you understand final 2018 rules from CMS on the home health (HH PPS) and outpatient (OPPS) prospective payment systems.

APTA's Updated Defensible Documentation Resource Provides Insight, Practical Tips, and More

Feb 26, 2018/News

PTs and PTAs know they can't take their eyes off the ball when it comes to properly documenting care. That's why APTA has revamped and updated its collection of online resources supporting defensible documentation.

PT and PTA Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) 3.0

Mar 11, 2024/Website

PT CPI provides a standardized training and assessment tool designed to educate physical therapist students, and other members of physical therapy program academia.

Study: Exercise-Based Intervention Could Reduce Disability Rates in Frail Adults

Jun 8, 2022/Review

Is mobility disability an inevitable part of aging for adults with frailty and sarcopenia? Maybe not, researchers say.

Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program Courses: Level 1

Jun 2, 2020/Event

Enhance your clinical education skills instruction skills. Get CEUs, and, for PTs and PTAs, a prestigious CI credential.

Advocacy Efforts to Stop the Medicare Payment Cut – APTA Live

Nov 18, 2020/Podcast

APTA staff experts provide a status update on the what is expected in the final 2021 Medicare fee schedule rule and its likely payment cut to physical therapist services. 

Fear Into Power: My COVID-19 Experience

Jul 7, 2020/Perspective

Would I be able to keep my doors open? Keep paying my staff? How is this going to change my practice for the long haul?

#Fail? Study Says Physical Therapy's Reach on Social Media Comes up Short

Aug 5, 2019/Review

When it comes to using social media to promote the profession, physical therapy may be missing out.