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Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29)

Jun 16, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures coordination, fatigue, flexibility, muscle performance, muscle tone/spasticity, balance/falls, reach and grasp, self-care, and health and wellness.

Researchers: Physical Inactivity Impacts a Host of Noncommunicable Diseases

Apr 12, 2021/Review

A global study links significant percentages of dementia, depression, cancer, and stroke to insufficient PA.

It's Your Turn

Jun 21, 2018/Perspective

I decided to focus all of my energy on school. And when I say “all,” I'm speaking literally.

Internships at APTA

APTA's internships are designed to give Physical Therapy students and graduates experience with their professional association and are intended to benefit the intern as well as APTA.

Let's Make a Difference Together—It's Not Too Late

May 21, 2019/Perspective

It started at APTA's Annual Conference in Boston in 2005. I was walking back to the hotel with my colleague and fellow PTA Kerry Williams. We had a late dinner and decided to stop at a fast food restaurant for ice cream. That's when I saw a mother and her two kids, a brother and sister ages maybe 9 and

Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) and Family Confusion Assessment Method (FAM-CAM)

Nov 30, 2017/Test & Measure

Used for patients with suspected delirium.

APTA Committee, Council, Trustee Positions Available

Jul 16, 2021/News

The open volunteer positions cover a range of areas — check out what we're looking for and apply by Aug. 15.

Physical Therapy Leader Roger Nelson, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Dies

Oct 26, 2022/News

Nelson's achievements included education, work for the USPHS, and an influential role in the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice.

APTA Association Leadership Scholars Program

The APTA Association Leadership Scholars Program is designed to build future association leaders, both nationally and locally.

Fall Risk in Community-Dwelling Elders

Jan 16, 2013/Clinical Summary

PTs help people manage their fall risk.