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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Feb 1, 2018/Magazine
Avoiding Charges of Sexual Misconduct.
Feb 25, 2019/Review
Physical activity in midlife can pay off years later by reducing the risk of some forms of dementia.
Dec 4, 2018/Review
Researchers have identified an association between early consultation with a PT and lower rates of opioid prescription, imaging, and injections.
Sep 8, 2020/Open Access
How does this cut in any way support the triple aim of health care CMS says it's pursuing?
May 24, 2015/Test & Measure
This is an objective test of a variety of gait and mobility functions such as running, hopping, stair navigation, backward walking in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Dec 10, 2018/Review
When it comes to management of low back pain, PTs know just as much—and sometimes more—than the family practice physicians who often are sought for primary care.
Dec 13, 2017/News
The degree to which the "big 5" private health insurers have come to rely on Medicare and Medicaid for their revenues may be the key to increasing their involvement in the ACA's individual marketplaces, according to authors of a new analysis in Health Affairs.
Jul 5, 2024/News
Authors of this case study detail how to implement a pre- and postoperative program that helps improve quality of life for this population.
There are four different types of MEGs, each representing a different opportunity for involvement.
Mar 1, 2020/Column
Try adding engagement and impact to everything you do.