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In a Few Minutes, Access a Wealth of Financial Resources

Apr 9, 2021/Perspective

APTA is here to help you take control of your financial future.

Licensing Authorities and Practice Acts

May 30, 2020/Website

FSBPT maintains a list of licensing authorities with links to each state's or jurisdiction’s practice act.

APTA Private Practice Section

Jan 1, 2020/Website

With a mission to champion the success of the physical therapist in business, PPS provides its members with extensive popular practice management and marketing resources.

APTA Live: Fostering Allyship in DEI: Part 2

Jun 28, 2020/Event

Engage with guests from the LGBTQIA+ community. We’ll be talking about their lived experiences and about how we as a profession can advance DEI efforts and grow as allies.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Learning how to comply with HIPAA requirements is crucial to your practice. This APTA webpage connects you with the resources you need to stay informed.

AOTA, APTA, and ASHA Joint Statement and Call for Professional Action on COVID-19 Vaccination and Education

Aug 2, 2021/News

Individually and collectively, we are committed to addressing this public health crisis with the best information, evidence, and resources.

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Financial Resources To Help You in Your Career and Your Life

Apr 1, 2021/Perspective

After exploring the APTA Financial Solutions Center, I feel more comfortable and in control of my financial situation.

The Future of Value-Based Pay for Physical Therapy

Jul 1, 2024/Feature

APTA has the resources you need to understand the changes to CMS' Quality Payment Program.

Imaging Information from the APTA Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy

Oct 5, 2021/Article

Relevant resources from the academy include and education manual and special interest group.