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Turn an Idea Into Reality With the Pro Bono Incubator

Apr 3, 2017/Perspective

Move Together wants to help you turn those ideas into reality.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-2 and GAD-7)

Dec 28, 2022/Test & Measure

This brief self-report measure was developed to help identify people who may have generalized anxiety disorder.


Apr 1, 2017/Magazine

Health Care in Cuba

Outstanding Physical Therapist Fellow Award

This award honors recent fellowship graduates in order to recognize the intrinsic value of post-professional training and thereby promote and provide for the development and accreditation of fellowship education programs in physical therapy.

Failure to Report

Jun 1, 2019/Column

Sometimes you need to walk away. But that's not all.

Apps to Help You Survive School

Jun 19, 2017/Article

We asked current students what apps have helped them through school and throughout their clinicals

APTA Pelvic Health: Pelvic Girdle Pain in the Antepartum Population Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG+)

May 1, 2017/CPG

Recommendations for clinical reasoning processes in the examination and intervention of females with prenatalĀ pelvic girdle pain.

Study: Tailored Approach to Older Adults With LBP and Hip Pain Shows Promise

Feb 14, 2024/Review

Researchers found that for adults 60 and older with both types of pain, focusing on the hips could be the key to better overall improvement.

Response to Stress Questionnaire (RSQ)

Apr 29, 2022/Test & Measure

The Response to Stress Questionnaire measures stressor or domain-specific coping and involuntary responses to stress.

Deconditioned Dad

Aug 1, 2018/Column

A physical therapist stops exercising and starts empathizing.