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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jan 26, 2018/Podcast
This is episode 21 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “The MIPS APM.”
This is episode 19 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “Use of Certified EHR Technology in APMs.”
This is episode 16 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “Advanced Alternative Payment Models.”
This is episode 15 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “Introduction to Alternative Payment Models.”
Oct 5, 2017/Podcast
The power of stubbornness, physical therapy, and prosthetics.
Sep 1, 2017/Podcast
A veteran’s career path began in Afghanistan.
Apr 9, 2020/Podcast
Physical therapists who have changed their care models to adapt to the COVID-19 health crisis discuss how they have modified their practices in response to the pandemic, and share innovative strategies to provide physical therapist services to patients in need.
Aug 23, 2017/Podcast
Student Assembly #XchangeSA with Jesse Elis, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT.
Aug 17, 2017/Podcast
It’s made up, yet it’s very real.
Jul 7, 2017/Podcast
Listen to a discussion interview held at NEXT 2017 in Boston with APTA President Sharon Dunn on bold moves the association is making to prepare for its centennial celebration.