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Telehealth Billing and Coding Considerations

Oct 16, 2020/Article

What you need to know about documentation, coding, and billing consideration when providing telehealth services.

Specialist Certifications Still Within Reach

Aug 12, 2020/News

ABPTS is extending application deadlines and offering payment options for PTs interested in pursuing board certification.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Rotator Cuff Syndrome in the Workplace

Jan 1, 2013/CPG

These guidelines provide recommendations for the diagnosis and management of rotator cuff syndrome in working adults.

The Italian Society of Rheumatology Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Apr 10, 2020/CPG

These recommendations provide guidance for the management of patients with a diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica.

Management of Neck Pain and Associated Disorders: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration

Jul 1, 2016/CPG

Evidence-based guideline for the management of grades I–III neck pain and associated disorders (NAD). [Subscription or purchase required.]

Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Positional Plagiocephaly: 3. The Role of Repositioning

Nov 1, 2016/CPG

This guideline provides repositioning treatment recommendations for patients with positional plagiocephaly.

CMS Backs Down on Change That Threatened Payment Levels for Complex Wheelchairs, Accessories

Jun 26, 2017/News

CMS has taken steps to ensure that cuts to payment for complex rehabilitation technology won't happen after all.

APTA, Other Health Care Leaders Call for CMS to Rethink Evaluation and Management Payment Plan

Sep 18, 2018/News

One CMS attempt to reduce administrative burdens is likely to result in reduced access to care for some of the sickest Medicare beneficiaries.

Your Voice Needed: CMS Proposes Expansion of Coverage for Power Seat Equipment

Feb 21, 2023/News

The change, supported by APTA, would cover power seat elevation equipment for Group 3 wheelchairs under Medicare. Public comment is open.

VA Increases Pay Levels for PTAs

Feb 3, 2021/News

APTA pressed for updated descriptions of PTA qualifications and skills. The change led to a raise in pay ranges.