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Is Your Practice ADA Compliant? Part 1 of a 3-Part Series

Jul 18, 2023/Article

The Basics of ADA’s Effective Communication Requirement

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

Feb 23, 2022/Test & Measure

Just Role With It?

Aug 1, 2020/Column

Accepting reassignment during a pandemic may make economic sense, but there’s much more to consider.

A Fresh Look at Specialist Certification Opportunities

May 27, 2021/News

The revamped APTA Specialist Certification website makes it easy to explore the possibilities for career growth governed by ABPTS.

Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment (VISA-A)

Jan 10, 2013/Test & Measure

Used to evaluate symptoms of Achilles tendinopathy and their effect on physical activity; can be used to determine clinical severity and provide a guideline for treatment and for monitoring the effect of treatment.

Finding My Way: “Work should feel like play”

Nov 30, 2017/Perspective

Sharon Dunn has learned a lot of things during her "lifetime of service." Perhaps none more important than loving what you do. In this episode of "Finding My Way," APTA's president describes what it's like to watch physical therapy students evolve as they prepare for a promising future. "Finding My Way"

Succeeding on Social Media

Sep 2, 2019/Article

Social media can be an effective tool for networking with colleagues, staying informed, or promoting yourself or your brand. But inappropriate behavior can be damaging. Here are some things to consider.

Plugging Into Social Media

Dec 1, 2016/Feature

Social networking is an opportunity for PTs and PTAs to engage in creativity, innovation, and collaboration.

APTA Adds Its Voice to Multi-Organization Advocacy Efforts

May 11, 2021/Roundup

We're seizing opportunities to amplify our public policy messages — here's a sampling of some of the issue letters we've signed on to.