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Why Doing More Than Studying Made Me a Better Student

May 29, 2019/Perspective

I felt like I was losing myself in school.

5 Tips To Help You Ace Your PT School Interviews

Dec 18, 2017/Perspective

While some programs do not require applicant interviews, for the schools that do, the interview is an important component of the admissions process.

Supervision of Physical Therapy Aides Under Medicare

Jan 8, 2020/Article

Physical therapy aides must be used carefully depending on the Medicare setting.

Because We Care

Jul 18, 2019/Perspective

This is my letter to the class of 2019.

My Biggest Takeaways from Physical Therapy School

Jan 4, 2017/Perspective

It all starts with getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

Finding My Way: “What creates curiosity?”

Nov 30, 2017/Perspective

Allison Daly knew exactly what she wanted to do when she was in DPT school. The challenge was figuring out how to do it. In this episode of "Finding My Way," Allison talks about how she adapted her practice to find her ideal patients and treat them according to her strengths. "Finding My Way" is a podcast

Study: Estimated 1 in 3 Medicare Beneficiaries Receiving Inpatient/SNF Rehab Report No Improvement in Function

Aug 8, 2018/Review

Participants were asked if, during rehab services, their functioning and abilities improved, got worse, or stayed the same.

Study: Popular Shoulder Procedure Provides No Relevant Clinical Benefit Over 'Placebo Surgery'

Jul 24, 2018/Review

Researchers found subacromial decompression surgery for shoulder impingement to be no better than diagnostic arthroscopy alone.

What's the Best Post-TKA Intervention in the Acute Care Setting? There's No Easy Answer, Say Researchers

Jul 17, 2018/Review

Among the findings: "very low" evidence for the use of cryotherapy, accelerated rehabilitation, and neurostimulation in the first 7 post-op days.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, July 2018

Jul 18, 2018/News

"The Good Stuff" is an occasional series that highlights recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day.