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'Bold Moves' Toward APTA Centennial Will Include New APTA Headquarters

Jun 18, 2017/News

"It is both financially sound and advisable and it will be a significant investment in the future of our association."

Join APTA's Frontiers in Rehabilitation, Science and Technology Network.

Join APTA's Frontiers in Rehabilitation, Science and Technology Network.

VA Increases Pay Levels for PTAs

Feb 3, 2021/News

APTA pressed for updated descriptions of PTA qualifications and skills. The change led to a raise in pay ranges.

Study: 10-Year Pattern of HS Soccer Injuries Shows Need for New Look at Injury Prevention Programs

Mar 22, 2017/News

An analysis of high-school soccer injuries from 2005 to 2014 may help coaches and trainers create more targeted injury prevention programs.

Elise Latawiec, PT, MPH

Jun 3, 2020/Author

Elise Latawiec, PT, MPH, is lead senior practice management specialist at APTA. Her primary responsibilities include the development of resources related to all areas of practice management as well as the impacts of health care reform. Before joining APTA she was the national director of quality assurance

Fundraising Ideas for the 2017-2018 Mercer-Marquette Challenge!

Sep 17, 2017/News

University bookstores are a great resource for organizing fundraisers.

Subtalar Joint Neutral Standing Test

May 4, 2014/Test & Measure

Measures mobility in the subtalar joint.

Amputee Mobility Predictor Prosthesis (AMPPro)

Jan 7, 2016/Test & Measure

Amputee Mobility Predictor Prosthesis (AMPPro)

Study: Aging U.S. Population Contributing to Rise in Neurological Disorders

Mar 29, 2021/Review

Even as prevalence and incidence drop, shifting demographics are affecting absolute numbers — with significant differences between states.

Proposed Fee Schedule Rule Wrestles With PTA, OTA Services Delivered 'In Part'; Includes Changes to MIPS

Jul 30, 2019/News

Despite serious questions and criticisms from APTA, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), and other stakeholders, the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) intends to move ahead with its plans to require providers to navigate a complex system intended to identify when therapy