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3-Incontinence Questionnaire (3-IQ)

Aug 29, 2017/Test & Measure

Self-administered brief questionnaire with purpose of differentiating between stress and urge urinary incontinence in women.

APTA Clinical Practice Guideline Structured Peer Review Form

Your responses will be used to assess the validity, clarity and accuracy of the interpretation of the evidence.

Physical Therapy Workforce Data

Access data on salaries, demographics, and other physical therapy workforce information.

APTA Wants Your Physical Activity Videos

Apr 1, 2020/News

A new project will collect and share videos that help Americans remain physically active during social distancing and isolation. APTA is seeking physical therapists willing to record video of themselves leading exercises specific to their area of practice or clinical expertise that can be safely and

Let's #FightTheCut: Join Our Sept. 1 Virtual Rally

Aug 20, 2021/News

Physical therapy is once again facing payment cuts under Medicare. We must fight — and we need your voice.

Study: Frequency, Duration of Acute Care Therapy Improves COVID-19 Outcomes

Jan 22, 2021/Review

Researchers found that every additional 10 minutes of physical therapy was associated with improved mobility at discharge.

Upper Extremity Functional Scale (UEFS)

Aug 22, 2017/Test & Measure

This is an eight-item scale that examines a person’s level of function when performing activities that are related to Upper Extremity Disorders.

APTA Patient Action Center

APTA's Patient Action Center contains letters focused on the patient impact of certain federal issues and bills.

Defining Moment: The Path Chose Me

Jun 1, 2024/Column

A PT finds meaning and purpose helping other cancer survivors.

The Balancing Act

Feb 1, 2024/Feature

Discover how those in the physical therapy profession are working to create better harmony between their work and home lives.