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Honoraria for Board of Directors

Oct 26, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

HOD Y06-20-35-28: Members of the American Physical Therapy Association Board of Directors shall receive an annual honorarium.

Affirmative Action

Jul 27, 2012/Policies & Bylaws

House position: APTA is committed to serving the needs of all people who require physical therapy and to meeting the needs of all its members.

Association Profile

Jan 30, 2024/Open Access

The Association Profile includes a high-level overview of the association, including the strategic plan, association structure, staff structure, and quick facts about the physical therapy profession.

CSM 2018: Blood Flow Restrictions

Mar 19, 2018/Podcast

Johnny Owens, PT, MPT, and Stephania Bell, PT, discuss blood flow restriction training within physical therapy.

When Life Throws You Curves – Defining Moment

Mar 25, 2020/Podcast

A physical therapist with scoliosis helps others with the condition. By April Gerard, PT

Levels of Supervision

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: APTA supports the following levels of supervision within the context of physical therapist practice.

Related Organizations

Jul 29, 2021/Policies & Bylaws

Board Policy: Related organizations are controlled subsidiaries of the American Physical Therapy Association that are organized under the appropriate law and designation to meet their purpose.

Considerations for Outpatient Physical Therapy Clinics During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis

Oct 1, 2020/Resource

The general information here is designed to provide suggestions for outpatient operations during the pandemic when caring for patients with or without COVID-19.

APTA's #ChoosePT Public Awareness Campaign for Safe Pain Management

Oct 1, 2019/Website

Our award-winning awareness campaign urges consumers to choose physical therapy for most pain management, consistent with CDC guidelines.

Building Our Community

We connect you with peers who share your passion for advancing the profession and transforming society.