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Student Experience in Times of COVID-19

Mar 26, 2021/Podcast

Two PT students share their experiences in the times of COVID-19. We also talk about mental health and stress — all of which aren’t new to PT and PTA students but may be different or heightened due to the pandemic.

Financial Resources To Help You in Your Career and Your Life

Apr 1, 2021/Perspective

After exploring the APTA Financial Solutions Center, I feel more comfortable and in control of my financial situation.

Researchers: Physical Inactivity Impacts a Host of Noncommunicable Diseases

Apr 12, 2021/Review

A global study links significant percentages of dementia, depression, cancer, and stroke to insufficient PA.

The Referring Provider Owns the Results—Referral for Imaging by Physical Therapists

Apr 12, 2021/Podcast

Data indicate that PTs refer for imaging less often and use it more appropriately than other first-contact providers.

In a Few Minutes, Access a Wealth of Financial Resources

Apr 9, 2021/Perspective

APTA is here to help you take control of your financial future.

Coronavirus Update: April 7

Apr 7, 2021/Roundup

APTA call for more attention to PASC, new travel guidance from the CDC, increasing COVID-19 rates among children, and more.

Study: Acute Care Rehab Linked to Lower Odds of Readmission, Death Poststroke

Apr 9, 2021/Review

The study of nearly 9,000 patients also looked at the potential role of patient mobility at hospital admission.

Proposed FY '22 SNF Rule: A PDPM Surprise; CMS Acknowledges Lower Therapy Rates

Apr 13, 2021/Review

CMS says the PDPM is 5% more costly than the previous payment system, and warns SNFs to not let finances "override" clinical judgment.

The Win's Official: Congress Passes Suspension of Sequester Cut Through 2021

Apr 14, 2021/News

The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the relief, which has been signed into law.

APTA Live: Financial Wellness

Apr 20, 2021/Podcast

APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors talk with experts about what you need to know about your financial wellness, student debt and refinancing, spending habits, and more.