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Educational Degree Qualifications and Nomenclature for PTs and PTAs

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the minimum professional education qualification for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.

Role of Physical Therapy Education Programs in Promoting Membership in APTA

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the role of physical therapy education programs in promoting membership with the American Physical Therapy Association.

Guidelines: Commitment of Students and Clinicians to Patients, Clients, Society, and the Profession

Aug 20, 2020/Policies & Bylaws

House guideline: APTA supports students, PTs, and PTAs expressing their commitment to patients, clients, society, and the profession with an oath or pledge.

Health Literacy

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the association's position on health literacy.

Determining Board of Directors Honoraria

Dec 16, 2020/Policies & Bylaws

House policy: Outlines honoraria for members of APTA's Board of Directors.

Honorary Membership Proposal Submissions

Nov 29, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

Board procedure: Outlines the APTA Honorary Membership proposal submission process.

Inclusion of Ethical Standards in Regulatory Documents

Jul 27, 2012/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the association's position on the inclusion of recognized ethical standards of the profession in practice acts and/or rules and regulations in all jurisdictions.

APTA Mission Statement

Mar 19, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: States the association's mission statement.

Pro Bono Physical Therapist Services and Organization Support

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House guideline: Outlines guiding principles related to member-provided pro bono services or support of organizations that meet the health needs of people who are economically disadvantaged.

Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus

Nov 29, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Describes the purpose, composition, and operations of the Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus.