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CoHSTAR Pilot Study Deadline June 1

May 24, 2019/News

A deadline is fast approaching for Center on Health Services Training and Research (CoHSTAR) opportunities to develop pilot studies that would help set the stage for larger efforts to advance a wide range of health services research. Letters of intent are due by June 1, 2019. The selected pilot studies

Recruiting Tomorrow's PTs & PTAs

Aug 1, 2019/Feature

Physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, students, and educators work to bring in newcomers.

Menopause: PTs Help to Ease 'The Change'

Sep 1, 2019/Feature

Sometimes overlooked, physical therapy can be highly beneficial in helping women through and beyond this phase of life.

In Praise of Low-Tech Tools

Aug 1, 2019/Feature

In an increasingly technological age, mainstay items of physical therapy such as exercise balls, foam rollers, and elastic resistance bands retain their therapeutic value-and will continue to do so, these PTs say.

Compliance Matters: Advocating for the Profession in the Evolving Payment Environment

Aug 1, 2019/Column

APTA and its chapters offer a variety of member resources to promote advocacy for appropriate payment of physical therapist services.

What the CI Doesn't See

Aug 1, 2019/Column

When "little things" are big deals.

The Fix Was On

Aug 1, 2019/Column

A career was shaped by the desire to make things better.

Work Hard, Play Big

Jul 1, 2019/Column

A PT honors her son and serves children with special needs.

Now You're Talking!

Aug 1, 2019/Column

Some of clients' most important conversations are internal.

Failure to Report

Jun 1, 2019/Column

Sometimes you need to walk away. But that's not all.