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Interpreters and Translators for Patients With LEP

Jan 26, 2021/Resource

Any provider receiving federal funds, such as Medicare, can’t legally require patients with limited English proficiency to use a family member or friend as an interpreter.

Wheelchair User’s Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI)

Oct 28, 2014/Test & Measure

The WUSPI is a self-report measure of shoulder pain experienced during functional activities.


May 1, 2017/Magazine


Is Your Practice ADA Compliant? Part 1 of a 3-Part Series

Jul 18, 2023/Article

The Basics of ADA’s Effective Communication Requirement

Knowledge Gaps of the Physical Therapist With the Limb Salvage Recovery Process

Mar 12, 2019/Perspective

From the rehab side of things, it was apparent that we had a huge gap in our knowledge for treating a patient whose limb was saved.

Foundation for Physical Therapy Research Grants Announced

Jan 10, 2024/News

A total of $810K in funding will help researchers investigate a wide range of topics relevant to the profession and the patients it serves.

Building Community in DPT Programs: Lessons From Hybrid Program Leaders

Dec 22, 2020/Perspective

In a learning environment transformed by a pandemic, what can be learned from hybrid DPT programs?

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children

Jun 8, 2017/Clinical Summary

PTs help children with ASD manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

2022 APTA Leadership Congress Keynote by Stephanie Creary

Aug 13, 2022/Video

Stephanie J. Creary, PhD, delivered the 2022 APTA Leadership Congress keynote, titled "Principles of Leadership: Advancing DEI By Building Resilient HOPE."

It's Under Control-Really!

Dec 1, 2019/Column

Prepared beats scared.