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This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. en-us Wed, 12 Jan 2022 21:02:03 Z CMS also chooses to not finalize reforms to the HCPCS Level

APTA's Advocacy Road Map: Empowerment for the Profession, Results for Patients

Feb 8, 2023/News

The association's public policy priorities are aimed at unleashing physical therapy's potential to take on pressing health care challenges.

APTA Continues Strategic Investments to Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

May 8, 2020/News

A new standing committee and staff position align with expanded fundraising efforts to advance this strategic plan objective.

Urinary Incontinence in Women

Apr 7, 2015/Clinical Summary

PTs evaluate the pelvic floor muscles and develop treatment strategies to help women return to their activities.

Keep Moving — And Giving Back: Get Ready for National Physical Therapy Month

Aug 30, 2021/Roundup

October is coming up sooner than you think. Now's the time to plan for how you'll celebrate the profession — and your role in it.

APTA-Backed Bipartisan House Bill Takes Aim at PTA Differential

Oct 13, 2021/News

The SMART Act would delay implementation, spare rural and underserved areas, and relieve PTA supervision burdens.

Researchers Say Knee OA Could Be Addressed Effectively Via App

Mar 15, 2021/Review

After six weeks, study participants using an exercise and education app showed significant progress over their "usual care" counterparts.

APTA Members' Hometown Efforts Keep 'PT in the Community' Momentum Going Strong

May 11, 2021/News

The community service initiative had to pivot from a single APTA CSM-based event to multiple locally based projects — and it worked.

APTA, Other Groups, Urge Short- and Long-Term Fixes to 'Broken' Fee Schedule

Aug 2, 2022/News

A joint letter to Congress pushes for immediate relief from the harms of the proposed 2023 fee schedule and calls for systemic changes.

At the PHE's End, Still No Clarity on Facility-Based Use of Telehealth

May 11, 2023/News

APTA met with HHS staff, who said guidance could be delayed. Until then, PTs in certain settings should be cautious about using telehealth.