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From PTJ: Psychologically Informed Practice and a 'Roadmap' for Implementation

Jun 13, 2023/Article

In companion articles, authors explore the drivers of PiP and offer a model for its use with patients experiencing chronic pain.

Evidence-Based Practice Resources

Members have unlimited access to resources previously housed at PTNow: Article Search, CPGs, tests and measures, and more!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Climate Scan Tools

Mar 25, 2024/Article

Access a list of climate scanning tools to help you assess the DEI culture of your individual spaces and identify areas of improvement.

Study Looks at Social Determinants of Health and Access to Physical Therapy

Jun 22, 2021/Review

Authors say a better understanding of the factors associated with lower physical therapy use can help focus health care policy advocacy.

Curriculum Resources for Educators

Access resources provided to facilitate academic program curriculum development, review, and enhancement.

Popular APTA Resources for Students

APTA offers extensive resources to help students thrive. Here is a collection of some of the most popular.

Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN)

Test & Measure

SPIN is a quick and easy screening tool for adolescents and adults with strong psychometric properties.


Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House policy: APTA opposes discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or health status.

Building Community in DPT Programs: Lessons From Hybrid Program Leaders

Dec 22, 2020/Perspective

In a learning environment transformed by a pandemic, what can be learned from hybrid DPT programs?

Defining Moment: Lending a Helping Hand

Nov 1, 2023/Column

A chance encounter at an indoor climbing event helped one physical therapist see the myriad ways that PTs can support patients.