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A Physical Therapy Profile: Demographics of the Profession, 2021-22

Jul 18, 2023/Report

This landmark report from APTA provides a comprehensive view of the current profession. It uses data from APTA's 2021-22 practice profile survey along with data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau to evaluate the physical therapy workforce. Data includes the number of

2017's Top Stories From PT in Motion News

Jan 1, 2018/Roundup

The past year was another eventful one for the physical therapy profession, and with more than 270 stories posted during 2017, readers of PT in Motion News were able to keep up with a wide range of developments, from payment to research to new APTA offerings. Here are 7 of the most-read stories from

Top 10 Member-Authored APTA Blog Posts from 2020

Dec 28, 2020/Article

Members shared their perspectives on everything from cash-based practice to what it's like to struggle to recover from COVID-19.

The Facts About Upcoming Changes in Home Health Payment

May 1, 2019/Column

Here's what's true about the Patient-Driven Groupings Model-and what's not.

New APTA Campaign Makes Membership Personal—And Offers Prizes

Nov 15, 2019/News

At APTA, it's always been about individual members working together to support shared values. That's the concept at the heart of a new membership campaign that builds on connections—and offers rewards to members who make them. APTA's "ONE by ONE" campaign, launched in October, makes membership personal

The 2019 Fee Schedule, Part 2: Quality Reporting Options Other Than MIPS

Jul 25, 2018/News

This installment looks at alternatives to participation in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).

Veteran and Emerging Physical Therapy Leaders Speak Out

Dec 2, 2019/News

What's the difference between an emerging physical therapy leader and a well-established one? Not much—at least when it comes to love for their work and their vision of the profession’s future. (Apologies if you were expecting a punchline.) For its December issue, PT in Motion magazine posed an identical

Using a Socio-Ecological Model Can Identify Barriers to Physical Activity

Nov 23, 2021/Perspective

There is growing evidence that additional critical complexities surround physical activity engagement.

Five Ways To Get Ahead on Concussion

Aug 11, 2021/Roundup

The next APTA Centennial Lecture presentation is about concussion assessment and management. Here are 5 resources to check out in advance.

APTA to CMS: Proposed 8% Cut is 'Arbitrary' and Puts Patients at Risk

Sep 27, 2019/News

APTA is fighting a "nonsensical" and "arbitrary" plan to cut physical therapy reimbursement by 8% in 2021.