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From Choose and Move Forward Radio: 'Dancing With the Stars' Dancer and the Show's PT Talk About Keeping the Cast in Shape

Dec 10, 2019/News

She's a physical therapist (PT) who might be lucky to get 20 minutes with her patients, tops. And sometimes, there are lights and cameras to contend with. At other times, she has to be aware of the fact that if she uses taping, it must not be visible to the literally millions of people all over the world

Verifying Insurance Coverage Eligibility

Feb 1, 2016/Column

These are keys to avoiding claim denials and improving patient and client satisfaction.

Not at Home With This Decision

Oct 1, 2017/Column

A PTA has questions about a patient's best interest and a PT's motivation.

Study Identifies 11 Guideline-Based Recommendations for Musculoskeletal Pain

May 24, 2019/Review

A multidisciplinary group of researchers, including PTs, has identified a core set of 11 clinical practice guideline recommendations for treating adult musculoskeletal pain.

Your Practice

APTA has resources to support your practice, from licensure, to documentation, to payment.

Payment and Regulatory Update - July 21, 2021

Jul 21, 2021/Members Only

Topics discussed: 2022 Home Health and Fee Schedule Rules, Commercial Payer Update, Telehealth, NCCI edits, Utilization Management, Service Reviews, Payer Resources. 

Support for Participation in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommended Vaccination Schedules

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the association's position on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommended vaccination schedules.

APTA Retired Member Application

Jan 31, 2024/Form

Retired but still wanting to stay connected to your profession? Continue to enjoy APTA's many member benefits, stay connected, and support your profession—all at reduced dues rates.

APTA Academy of Orthopaedic PT, American Academy of Sports PT, Academy of Neurologic PT, and Academy of Pediatric PT: Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment After Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (CPG+)

Apr 2, 2020/CPG

This clinical practice guideline provides a set of evidence-based recommendations for physical therapist management of the patients who have experienced a concussive event.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, September 2020

Sep 16, 2020/Roundup

Members and the profession in the media.