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May 9, 2020/Magazine

Viewpoints: Online Comments

APTA Suggests: More on the Review Choice Demonstration

May 24, 2020/Article

We’ve rounded up helpful resources on Review Choice Demonstration.

MIPS Value Pathways

Feb 27, 2024/Resource

MIPS Value Pathways, or MVPs, are a voluntary reporting option that clinicians can participate in as an alternative to traditional MIPS or an APM Performance Pathway.

MIPS Scoring and Payment Adjustments

Feb 27, 2024/Resource

Note: Resource originally created Dec. 22, 2020 and updated on Feb. 27, 2024. Weighting Each of the four MIPS categories — quality, improvement activities, promoting interoperability, and cost — is weighted to determine how much influence it has on a clinician's final score. The weights of each category

MIPS Performance Reporting Requirements

Feb 27, 2024/Resource

MIPS performance is measured across four categories – cost, quality, improvement activities, and promoting interoperability.

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Jul 1, 2021/Column

View letters to the editor, online comments from readers, and responses to timely questions that APTA poses for member response.

Looking for the Zebras

Jul 1, 2021/Column

Every patient is a one in a million.

A Lucky Patient Encounter Provides Answers

Aug 1, 2021/Column

It wasn't until she saw patients with the same rare condition that a PT realized what had been plaguing her own body for years.