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Compliance Matters: Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students

May 1, 2018/Column

Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students


Feb 1, 2018/Magazine

Avoiding Charges of Sexual Misconduct.

Beyond Limitations

Apr 1, 2018/Column

Extending coverage and horizons.

Minding Your Business: Top Business Leadership Skills in Physical Therapy

Aug 21, 2019/Perspective

To transform society, I needed to know more about business. 

The Land of Enchantment

Jul 21, 2019/Perspective

Slow down and disfruta (enjoy) your time in Albuquerque!

The Rollercoaster That Is Life as a New Grad

Jul 14, 2019/Perspective

I didn't realize is how difficult my early-career transition would be..

My First National Professional Conference: APTA NEXT – Chicago

Jun 27, 2019/Perspective

That just fuels my inspiration to keep working hard in school.

An Atypical Time in an Atypical Way

Jun 23, 2019/Perspective

My love for advocacy was ignited.

How I Got Out of My PT School Rut

Jul 11, 2019/Perspective

I needed something more.

Sharing My Voice and Enthusiasm as a Student

Jul 30, 2019/Perspective

I've never been in a room with so many strangers and felt perfectly at home and a sincere sense of belonging.