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The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, March 2019

Mar 13, 2019/News

"The Good Stuff" is an occasional series that highlights recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day. Enjoy! Grab the popcorn: Lauren Snowdon, PT, DPT, professor

North Carolina PTs Get Decisive Dry Needling Win

Mar 12, 2019/News

After a nearly 4-year battle, physical therapists (PTs) in North Carolina can finally claim victory in their fight to protect dry needling: last week, the state's acupuncture licensing board relented on its attempt to restrict the intervention, signing off on a settlement agreement in federal district

Senate Recesses Without Health Care Vote: Keep These 3 Things in Mind

Jun 30, 2017/News

The US Senate will be entering its July 4th recess without voting on a bill to repeal and replace major provisions of the ACA. With the next opportunity for a Senate vote at least a week away, here are few things to keep in mind during the recess.

From PT in Motion Magazine: Regenerative Medicine and the PT

Apr 1, 2019/News

Patient, heal thyself. Maybe that's not exactly what regenerative medicine is all about, but it's close: with its emphasis on enhancing the body's own genetically driven capabilities to repair damage and reestablish neural connections, regenerative medicine is pushing the boundaries of what we know about

New Pilot Study Opportunities Available From CoHSTAR

Apr 9, 2019/News

The Center on Health Services Training and Research (CoHSTAR) has opened a call for the development of multiple pilot studies that would help set the stage for larger efforts to advance a wide range of health services research. APTA was a major financial contributor to the development of CoHSTAR, having

Shaping the Future of PT Clinical Education: Your Perspective Needed

Aug 9, 2017/News

A sweeping effort to create a shared vision for PT clinical education has led to a set of recommendations that could help shape the future of the profession. Now your input is needed.

Crazy Little Thing Called (APTA) Love

Feb 15, 2019/News

APTA members are sharing the APTA love—and their stories are all about finding community in the association, no matter the paths they took to get there. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, APTA asked members to share their "APTA love stories" by recounting how they first came to join the association, and

Experts: It's Time to Act on the Evidence for Low Back Pain

Mar 30, 2018/News

The problem, according to the authors of a series of Lancet articles is that despite the evidence, many providers still recommend rest and time off work for LBP, and the use of drugs and surgery is more prevalent than it should be.

Study: Falls Among US Adults 65 and Older Cost $50 Billion in 2015

Mar 9, 2018/Review

The US health care system spent an estimated $50 billion on falls in 2015 -- 6% of all Medicare payments and 8% of all Medicaid payments.

From PT in Motion: PT 'Boomers' Offer Advice on Life in the Clinic and Beyond

Mar 6, 2018/News

This month's PT in Motion magazine includes “Career Transitioning Advice for Aging PTs,” an exploration of how long-time clinicians are adjusting their routines or transitioning to new career paths, and the life circumstances that led them in that direction.