Shared Resources
View a compilation of resources shared by the participating organizations below.
Speaker Presentations
- The Importance of Shared Language: Examining the Working Definition for Long COVID – Andrea Troxel, Sc.D.
- Understanding Long COVID: From Epidemiology to Clinical Care – Pragna Patel, MD, MPH, DTM&H
- The National Research Action Plan on Long COVID – William Valiant, PhD
- Strategies for Disseminating Best Practices in Long COVID Rehabilitation – Lisa Juckett, PhD, OTR/L, CHT
US Federal Resources
- The Office of Long COVID Research and Practice
The Office of Long COVID Research and Practice works across the federal government to coordinate the whole-of-government response to the longer-term impacts of COVID-19, including Long COVID and associated conditions.
- Report: Implementation of Government-Wide Response to Long COVID
Published in February 2024, this document outlines the federal government’s response to Long COVID and tracks the government’s implementation strategy of planned activities.
Long COVID resources, including terms and definitions, provider education, disability civil rights protections, research, and the federal government response. - Post-COVID Conditions: Information for Healthcare Providers (
This page provides an overview for healthcare providers and includes links to a variety of tools and resources.
- Whole Health System Approach to Long COVID
Patient-Aligned Care Team (PACT) Guide provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Technical Brief- Long COVID Models of Care
The models of care presented in this Technical Brief dated April 2024 may help inform the individualized implementation of long COVID models of care in different settings.
Clinical Guidance for Health Care Professionals
- Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC or Long COVID) Consensus Guidance from AAPM&R
Multidisciplinary guidance statements on the following topics: autonomic dysfunction, breathing discomfort, cardiovascular complications, cognitive symptoms, fatigue, mental health, neurological symptoms, and pediatrics
Additional resource: clinician note templates for the guidance statements
- Clinical Practice Guide for Assessment and Management of Adults, Children, and Young People With Symptoms of Long COVID
From the New South Wales government in Australia, this clinical practice guide is intended for use by clinicians who provide care to adults, children, and young people with a history of COVID-19 diagnosis, regardless of severity or COVID-19 variant of concern.
- COVID-19 Rapid Guideline: Managing the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19
From the United Kingdom, a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline that covers identifying, assessing, and managing the long-term effects of COVID-19. It makes recommendations on care in all health care settings for adults, children, and young people who have new or ongoing symptoms, 4 weeks or more after the start of acute COVID-19.
- Long COVID Patient Experiences and Systems of Care
Long COVID and Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program resources for patients and providers.
- COVID-19 Increases the Prevalence of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: What Nutrition and Dietetics Practitioners Need to Know
The aim of this article is to provide practice tools to support registered dietician nutritionists (RDNs) as POTS cases become more common. - COVID-19: Role of Nutrition and Supplementation
This 2021 literature review addresses important aspects related to diet and COVID-19 infection.
- Nutrition Care Practice Patterns for Patients With COVID-19: A Preliminary Report
A 2021 report on the nutrition care provided to patients with COVID-19 by registered dietitian nutritionists.
- Occupational Therapy in the Age of Coronavirus
Information, guidance, and advocacy to equip OT practitioners, educators, and students to navigate complex situations related to the coronavirus pandemic.
- AOTA Long COVID Resource Additions
Collection of articles relevant to the care of adults and children with Long COVID.
- AOTA Specialty Conference: Long COVID & Dysautnomia
Presentation of evidence-based rehabilitation strategies, including screening for comorbidities including mast cell activation syndrome, sleep and breathing disorders, and hypermobility.
- Clinical Summary on Long COVID From APTA
This summary provides information on Long COVID ranging from a fundamental condition description to interventions, plan of care, and discharge, with an emphasis on rehabilitative interventions.
- Long COVID Tests & Measures
APTA resource identifying the tests and measures that PT clinicians can use as appropriate for patients with Long COVID. These tools have either been cited in Long COVID rehabilitation literature or are in use at Long COVID clinics in the United States.
- ASHA Podcast: ASHA Voices – The Mysteries of Long COVID
On the podcast, people living with Long COVID discuss the stubborn and baffling symptoms disrupting their lives.
- COVID-19 and Speech-Language Pathology
This book examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the caseloads and clinical practice of speech-language pathologists.
- How SLPs Can Positively Impact Long COVID Patients
Blog post from MedBridge outlining how speech-language pathologists can make a significant impact on the Long COVID population in helping them understand and manage symptoms, including neurocognitive impairment and cognitive fatigue.
- Long COVID: The impact on Language and Cognition
This article examines the language skills of adults who reported significant cognitive-linguistic difficulties as part of their ongoing COVID-19 symptoms.
- Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Long COVID Guidance for Clinicians, and Resources
Managing post COVID-19 care and Long COVID resources.
- CDC Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Calls/Webinars
During COCA Calls/Webinars, subject matter experts present key emergency preparedness and response topics, followed by meaningful Q&A with participants.
- Guidance for PCPs: Long COVID Symptoms and Approach
University of Vermont Medical Center provider referral guidelines for services, including therapy services, based on persistent viral symptoms.
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes – a model that uses education and guided practice to improve access to care and reduce health disparities in communities.
- Information for PCPs From APTA: Benefits of Physical Therapy for Individuals With Long COVID
Early recognition and effective management of the potentially disabling effects of Long COVID can lead to improved outcomes and quality of life. Physical therapists can help individuals with safe rehabilitation during Long COVID recovery and empower them to self-manage lingering chronic symptoms.
- Speech-Language Pathologists' Role in the Multi-Disciplinary Management and Rehabilitation of Patients with Covid-19
This paper describes the unique symptoms and complications associated with COVID-19 that require speech-language pathologist services.
Education for Clinicians
- Long COVID Rehabilitation: A Guide for Health Care Professionals
Comprehensive online course from Mount Sinai designed to provide rehabilitation professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively treat patients with Long COVID.
- Long COVID Rehabilitation – Multidisciplinary Care: Pitfalls to Avoid and Pearls to Enhance Treatments
The purpose of this course is to introduce the components of multidisciplinary Long COVID care to the physical therapists and physical therapist assistants outside of Long COVID clinic centers. This course highlights the role of each discipline as well as key conditions that should be screened and when necessary, referred for clearance, before a Long COVID rehabilitation program begins. Examples of physical therapy evaluations, treatments, and progressions are provided.
- AACVPR Learning Center Offerings
- The Effect of COVID-19 on Traditional Pulmonary Rehabilitation
This presentation focuses on the clinical data and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 enrolled in a traditional pulmonary rehab program since June 2020. The unique treatment challenges and subsequent program changes to improve COVID-19 patient outcomes are examined. - Supporting COVID-19 Patients in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Through the Long Haul
This presentation focuses on psychosocial clinical outcomes of patients with COVID-19 in pulmonary rehab programs, the value of initiating a peer-support group and the changes noted with the implementation of a specific COVID-19 support group. - COVID-19 After the Storm: Guiding Patients in Return to Activity
Although there is still much to learn about effectively individualizing the exercise prescription, this webinar reviews current strategies and considerations for prescribing exercise to those in the post COVID-19 infection phase. - The Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Psychosocial Functioning, Health Behaviors, and Adherence in COPD or Cardiac Patients: Research Trends and Practical Suggestions
This presentation seeks to expand the understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on psychosocial functioning, health behaviors, and adherence for those living with COPD, cardiac concerns, or post-COVID-19 syndrome. Current research findings as well as the ongoing clinical manifestations of these associations are explored. The influence of coping styles on the health behaviors of individuals with these chronic health conditions, are discussed, and the role of self-compassion, resilience, and social support considered. Factors associated with better health management and adherence amid altered access to care, fear of infection, and reduced resources, are highlighted. Finally, practical strategies that the health care professional can use to enhance support and outcomes with these patients, both in the context of COVID-19 and beyond this context, are introduced.
- The Effect of COVID-19 on Traditional Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Patient Education and Resources
- AAPM&R COVID-19 Rehabilitation webpage
Information for patients and their families about COVID-19 and treatment options.
- Beyond Surviving: Fatigue and Energy Management
Article from the Brain Injury Hope Foundation regarding energy management following a traumatic brain injury.
- Bouncing Back From COVID-19: Your Guide to Restoring Movement
Johns Hopkins educational resource supporting early intervention through exercise and activity, aimed at treating the whole person. - Dysautonomia Resources
Dysautonomia International collection of quick links to support groups, educational videos and flyers as well as other patient resources. - Essentials of Treating POTS
1-page flyer for clinicians to share with patients and caregivers, from Dysautonomia International.
- Long COVID Patient Education handout from Anita Chopra, MD, FACP
Patient handout includes breathing exercises, exercise program, pacing and energy conservation, exercise parameters, and vital signs.
- Long COVID Alliance – Resources for Patients, Caregivers, and Advocates
Resources include information on research and symptoms, patient support, mental health help, events and webinars, pediatric resources, and finding care.
- Long COVID Patient and Client Resources
APTA compiled resources that clinicians can share with patients and clients as appropriate.
- Long COVID Physio
Website dedicated to everybody living with Long COVID and anyone wanting to learn more.
- Long COVID Resources and Support
Minnesota Department of Health resource guiding patients experiencing symptoms of Long COVID to medical and social support.
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
CDC is working with partner and stakeholders to better understand post-COVID conditions and how they affect people with ME/CFS.
- Pacing and Management Guide for ME/CFS and Long COVID
By providing support and education on pacing, health care practitioners can play a critical role in improving health outcomes in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and Long COVID.
- Physical Therapy – The Solution for Many Physical Challenges, Including Long COVID
APTA’s public service announcement video
- Post-Exertional Malaise and Post-Exertional Symptom Exacerbation Resources
Short videos, resources, and handouts for patients and rehabilitation professionals from the Bateman Horne Center.
- Resources for People With Post-COVID Conditions (Long COVID)
California Department of Public Health resource list for where to get care for a post-COVID condition, tools for recovery, support groups, and resources regarding disability benefits and accommodations.
- Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Long COVID Patient Handbook
This information is written by speech and language therapists and is a guide for individuals and their carers/families living with the aftereffects of COVID-19 infection.
- The Spoon Theory: But You Don’t Look Sick
A personal story and analogy of what it is like to live with sickness or disability.
- Thinking Clearly: How SLPs Help COVID-19 Survivors With Cognition Problems
PDF from ASHA on how speech-language pathologists are trained to help people improve their thinking skills.
- Working With Long COVID
Resource from the U.S. Department of Labor supporting individuals experiencing Long COVID and its related conditions who want to keep working or return to work.
Advocacy and Policy Resources
- AAPM&R National Call to Action Regarding Long COVID
Call for the government to prepare and implement a comprehensive national plan focused on the needs of individuals experiencing long-term symptoms of COVID-19.
- Long COVID Alliance – Press Releases to Change the Conversation
Read the Long COVID Alliance’s official statements of support and calls to action about key issues on research, advocacy, and policy written by and for the Long COVID community.
- Potential for Cognitive Communication Impairment in COVID-19 Survivors: A Call to Action for Speech-Language Pathologists
A call to action to speech-language pathologists to address the unprecedented numbers of patients who will need their services early in the disease process and throughout recovery.
Research Resources
- Research in Progress
Survey-based research in progress regarding rehabilitation providers' demographic characteristics and their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding Long COVID from researchers Malachy Clancy and Robert Dekerlegand of Jefferson College of Rehabilitation Sciences. Contact them to collaborate on future research projects.
- APTA’s Long COVID Rehabilitation – Research on the Value of Physical Therapy 2022
Research resources demonstrating that physical therapy benefits individuals seeking to recover from Long COVID.
- ASHA Evidence Maps on COVID-19 and a Special Collection of Resources on COVID-19 From Across ASHA Publications
The latest evidence on COVID-19.
- COVID 19 Recommendations
e-COVID RecMap is a collaboration between many institutions. Can sort recommendations using a variety of filters.
- Long COVID Recommendations
Compiled by Canada’s Drug and Health Technology Agency
Research Articles
- Assessment of cognitive function in patients after COVID-19 infection.
2021 analysis of data from 740 individuals treated in one health care system.
- Chronic fatigue and post-exertional malaise in people living with Long COVID: An Observational Study.
2022 observational study of 213 individuals.
- Impact of COVID-19 on the speech and language therapy profession and their patients
2021 survey of speech and language therapists in the United Kingdom
- Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms, and recommendations
2023 review article
- Malnutrition in COVID-19 survivors: prevalence and risk factors
2023 study findings from 1,230 COVID-19 survivors in Italy, 4-5 months after infection.
- Novel Respiratory Therapy for the Improvement of Post COVID Condition Symptoms: A Case Series
2023 case series of 5 individuals.
- Occupational Therapy for the Long Haul of Post-COVID Syndrome: A Case Report
2021 case report of one individual.
- Persistent neurologic symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in non‐hospitalized Covid‐19 "long haulers."
2021 prospective study of 100 consecutive patients.
- Stuttering-Like Dysfluencies as a Consequence of Long COVID-19
2023 case report of two individuals
Clinic-Specific Information
- COVID-19 Recovery Program
University of Vermont Health Network program providing support to people experiencing post-COVID-19 health issues.
- COVID-19 Survivor Support Group
University of Vermont Health Network. This support group meets virtually via Zoom and is open to all patients, family members, caregivers, and providers who have experienced COVID-19. The group is led by a UVM Medical Center physician and includes other UVM Health Network experts that can provide education and resources.
- Long COVID Clinic Fact Sheet
UW Medicine Long COVID Clinic. COVID aftercare recovery and support.